Here's how to NOT approach digital PR
By Abrish Moeen, PR and Marketing Copywriter, The Digital Voice
Does a great product or service go to waste if no one has heard of it? How many times have you fallen into the same pitfalls and watched a PR plan flop? It's crucial for B2B company success to have optimised marketing and a joined-up PR plan that encapsulates modern PR practice. It is still the case that many B2B marketers are just not seeing the results they deserve due to the lack of a well-thought-out digital PR strategy.
Here at The Digital Voice, we believe in going beyond conventional PR practices. To thrive in this industry, you need more than just time, precision and expertise. You need to break through the noise and we’ll help you refine your approach by avoiding the following mistakes:
Too long is too much
Check out this phrase: ‘Content Marketing initiatives must establish synergy and catalyze a paradigm change throughout the business in order to elicit customer action.’ It's a worthless jumble of fancy-sounding phrases put together incoherently. Consumers and B2B audiences alike are uninterested in reading it. To connect with your audience, you need to know who they are and frame the message to their knowledge about your company, how they would use your product/solution and how you tell them what you do in 140 characters! If you don't want to lose customers, keep your content light and engaging - KISS, keep it short and simple.
Quantity rather than quality
Learn to focus your efforts and avoid the trap of posting irrelevant material just to hit a certain number of posts or blogs. A good strategy is to post relevant, interesting content. Compromising content quality will result in a poor customer experience. When people come to a site, they don't want to be fighting through lengthy, unhelpful content. If your content isn’t engaging with a clear message, it's worthless to visitors. Less is more.
Am I on-trend?
In this modern-day, it is important to keep up with the latest trends. Old forms of media are fading away, but there are still some lingering thoughts about them. Some clients or PR professionals may turn down these new media methods, such as podcasts, blogs or social media.
What they fail to realise is that these methods are a powerful vehicle for brand awareness, and it's user-friendly too! Unlike traditional media outlets which have restrictions when it comes to creative freedom, social media provides a unique format that is easy to work with. It also allows marketers to create a more personal connection with their audience. Don’t be afraid of emojis too - on social, emojis should be your friend.
Trying Too Hard To Convince
Avoid this marketing mistake! Businesses spend a lot of time talking about what they do, instead of what their customers need. It is important to stress the benefits of your services to your prospects, not how great your company is. This is an easy mistake to make. To correct it, take the time to see your website through the eyes of your target audience. If you are not identifying and addressing any pain points of your audience, you need to rewrite your content to highlight how your company can help them.
Not Measuring Your Results
The first and foremost thing that one should not neglect is the early establishment of measurable targets. Based on your vision of the company and your product or services, objectives can vary. If you define objectives, you can measure your findings efficiently.
Monitoring results can assist you to see the contribution of your content strategy to your business. Evaluating your objectives can assist you to see the benefit to be gained from your content strategy. Statistics can also provide additional details to know your buyer’s tastes and interests. Measurement matters so make it count.
Ignoring SEO
Constantly optimising SEO is very crucial to increase your brand’s visibility and help your business get found by your target audience. There are some techniques that always help brands show up in the search results. Some of these are adding your keyword in the title tag, using meta descriptions, making your URLs and images keyword rich and adding backlinks.
But there is no denying that search engines’ algorithms change in a very fast way and this means that your techniques that work today may not work tomorrow. So, you have to constantly keep up with the SEO techniques. Don’t get left behind.
So that’s a wrap! That is our blueprint for how not to deliver a strong PR and marketing plan.
By avoiding the above mistakes, you can have a clear strategy for your digital presence and help pave the way for success and recognition in no time! Think we have missed any? Tell us in the comments your marketing 101 and we will add it to our next blog.
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