Preciso’s demand-side platform (DSP) is an easy-to-use, full-service platform for ecommerce businesses, enabling advertisers to launch and optimise their campaigns in just a few clicks. It is fully integrated with major ecommerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, Bigcommerce and WooCommerce, plus a range of other integrations such as WordPress, which means getting up and running couldn't be easier.
What's more, the platform manages the entire process of campaign optimisation and product recommendations automatically – which current DSPs simply don't do. This means, there's no need for an internal team to manage it. Simply log in to the platform and get started; it takes mere minutes to create and launch a campaign. And while larger DSPs require a minimum budget, we don't have a minimum ad spend requirement, making this type of smart bidding technology accessible to brands of all sizes.
Much of the platform's strength lies in its ability to provide SMEs with a quick and easy way to build and launch a campaign. Three critical areas of the DSP help you do this: the clarity, choice and customisation sections. Today, we're going to take a look at each of these areas, and show you how they will help you build effective digital advertising campaigns.
Each of the following sections are found in the main Preciso dashboard, on the menu that runs down the left side of the page. Clarity is the first area that we are interested in today, and for the purposes of this section, we're assuming at this stage that you have a campaign in progress.
Clarity is all about real-time bidding, and this is where you come to get a picture of how your campaign is doing. The section's main dashboard area shows the previous 30 minutes of bidding, and refreshes every five minutes, to give you a constantly evolving picture of your campaign's progress. Scroll down through the page and you're fed a bidding overview that shows everything from your total bid request figures and unwanted bid request figures, through to the auctions you've won and lost. In other words, a one-stop shop for the campaign's bidding performance.
Scroll down again, and further info includes everything from a user review (informing you how many users you have reached and served), and ad placements overview and device information. Finally, Clarity's 'Analysis' sub-menu provides a retrospective performance overview for both one and seven days for all key bidding metrics, making it easy to track your campaign's progress.
Building a digital ad campaign is all about making the right decisions, and Preciso's DSP is designed to make taking those decisions quick and easy. A simple, intuitive user interface means even those new to the world of programmatic advertising will have no problem constructing a successful, advanced campaign.
And that is what the 'Choice' section is all about. Here you'll configure your key campaign settings - such as budget and audience size - set your goals and compare those with the campaign performance as it appears in the DSP's main dashboard. Machine learning and AI will take your parameters and bid on your behalf to maximise efficiencies and prioritise your campaign goals.
Scroll down further through the section and you can select targeting locations (even choosing how many kilometres around any particular city in the world you would like to target); banner sizes for your ad creative; and also device, carrier and deal type.
You can also build a placement/domain whitelist or blacklist - uploadable as an Excel file - to ensure your ads appear in all the right places. And, finally, you can choose what traffic types you'd like to target, such as desktop or mobile, iOS or Android.
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